Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Open Marriage w/ JujuMama

In Case You Missed It:

Original air date: October 21, 2010

"Honey, I met this girl and I think she's cute, I was wondering if you'd be mad if I...?"

What would you do it your husband/wife came to you with news that they've fallen for someone else? Would you leave? Would you stay? Would you agree to forgo monogamy for the sake of keeping your marriage in tact? Carl and Kenya Stevens of Jujumama.com did just that - and they're not alone.

This was one of the hottest shows of the season. Listen up and feel free to leave your comments below.

A Different World:

Original air date: October 14, 2010

Howard University recently announced it's plan to allow 24 hour visitation in one if it's upperclassman dorms. Students and alumni are wondering if this move is the beginning of the end of HBCU's traditionally conservative ideas about student life?

Meanwhile, University of Kansas football coach Turner Gill made headlines when he, in an attempt to teach his team responsibility and respect, announced that players will no longer be allowed to use their cell phones before games nor will they be allowed to interact with female students the night before a game. PERIOD.

Finally, we talk about Vibe Magazine's latest article about the challenges some homosexual students face at Morehouse College.

Part 2: Yoga teacher Maya Breuer discusses the importance of yoga and natural healing for women of color.